Are you trying to originate thought or something?!*
You must be the evil eye, and red-necked from the chin down.
Crap: A word use by those with the manners of a yard dog.
take a walk through the cemetery and while you are there look at all the gravestones.. on each gravestone you will see engraved the name of the deceased person.
in most cases underneath the name will be a birth date and date of death.
for example: john doe, 4 may 1957 - 21 october 2000.. then there will be some short inscription.
Are you trying to originate thought or something?!*
You must be the evil eye, and red-necked from the chin down.
Crap: A word use by those with the manners of a yard dog.
some have wondered about where i come from on the topic of faith.
and, as we all ponder our past jw religion, and the events of the day, i need to take some time to address matters of my faith, as i look for some answers.. when adam was created, god did not wait for adam to play a guessing game and start praying.
rather, god reached out to adam.
'bout yo 'mazing maze, man.
Hey, it's life man. You on hold; and here you spinin' wheels.
Yo say, "know now, feel now, hear now, speak now." It's there man, but it's God way, not yo way. It's ok to seek, but if ya found it, could ya even know it right now. Well, you'll know when ya find it.
Ya say ya wont proof. Proof don't make the man, man. The proof I knows, ya probly couldn't handle rite now. It too simple man. I'd luv to tell ya, but I think you woud talk it to death.
Yo said,
"I cannot think of a more important feature of life than my ultimate relationship to God, and my following and having faith in Jesus Christ."
Example here. Yo said, "to God" rite? Well it's WITH God, man. Put a study on that. You got to learnt the words man. You ain't got da words rite, yet. Whos are yuse anyways.
Da spirit man know hoos he is. He ponder too, but his road's straight and narrow. Ya fallin' off the road man. Here lemme hold yo hand. Here, now ya hold his hand. Listen man! Listen to da Counselor. You goan to fine. You jest need sa mo lernin. Do some mo readin', prayin'. Do som'em fine with da Bible.
Lis'en what ya say here:
"And, until I can find some of these answers about God,
I am not even sure of anything else around me."
Man, youse in trainin'. Study sa mo on faith. Humble pie's
good too. Look fo "Grace," too. She in dere too.
She was in ma face long time fo I saw 'er.
Luv ya, man. Youse my brother, bless ya.
ok, i'm getting lonely and desperate (in spite of my loving wife and great kids) who here lives in or near south carolina, specifically, columbia.. yerusalyim.
it's my favorite sin!".
I was raised in the Darlington - Florence, SC area. Went to Clemson (in SC) a while. Worked in Columbia about four years ago for AT&T for a short time. Hung out at Myrtle Beach and Ocean Drive. Family business in Darlington was burying dead people (Kistler Funeral Home). Also had a flower shop. I escaped when I was 19.
i'm pondering whether to go back to my congregation of record and make an issue of my departure, or just carry on with my new and happy non-jw life.. i'm sure that there are many here who have followed each of these paths.. what advice would you offer?
They will isolate you from the congregation, depending, right?
So, I reason to know exactly what you want to achieve. Is it for yourself or for others trapped. Figure a shrew way to achieve it and plan it best you can.
If you're there to expose the WT for what it is, perhaps--away from the hall--do one-on-one with those hurting needing love, with those showing signs of being able to think and reason for themselves.
You might go to congregation(s) where they don't know you, and test doing your thing. If they don't know you and you want immediate contact, go to their bulletin board and starting reading everything. They will start to gather around you to find out what you are doing [this was my experience].
They usually have immediate primary questions usually, right.
What is your name?; Where are you from? I would use a new name.
Overall, you have a good chance to help if you can do it. When you quit have a written statement ready. Give the statement out to as many as you can before you give it to an elder. This way they can't lie about why you quit, right. And they will lie if they want to. Here is the way I quit:
I stood up. “May I have your attention a moment.” The faces were typical: pious, scorning, wide-eyed with indignant surprise, and accusing. I had broken the pecking-order control system of the congregation. Without authorized introduction, I had spoken out to the congregation in bold reckless urgency.
“I would like to announce that as of this moment, I am no longer one of Jehovah’s Witness. I now disassociate myself from the Columbia Heights Congregation [Minnesota] of Jehovah’s Witnesses. [Actually, I realized later that I was excommunicating the Watchtower organization en masse.] [I am proud of what I did.]
An elder rushed up to me and tore the paper I was reading out of my hand. I didn’t care much since I was going to give it to him anyway. Three days later this elder called me and said, “We have decided to accept your dissociation,” as though only they could decide if I could quit. What arrogance, I thought! Later they lied to the congregation that I had been “disfellowshipped,” as though they had some grounds for using their form of religious excommunication. Little did I know I was graduating from the third grade that I had been kept in for so long spiritually.
this is probably a strange question, but how do you "pick" something else to study?
i'm having a hard time just picking up the bible & reading it - but i'm terrified of picking up any "study material" from other organized religions to help.
which bible do i use?
Your question How Does One Find Another Religion
You are a religion of one with the Father, Son, and H.S.
Study each person individually and together.
Learn who you are in Christ.
Study who, what, where is the Body Of Christ so that you
can identify your position in it.
Gather with others at various churches for a while and study
their methods on interaction.
Pray and explain to the Father about what you seek.
From the above you will begin to discover the answer to your question.
The results are there for you to discover.
hi gang,.
let me qualify this post before my usual detractors have a chance to blast me.
i already know that the great majority here do not believe in the one, true god.
Aguest, you asked,
Why would Christians need to have the Bible taught to us or teach the Bible to other Christians? Then you answered a bit yourself: I can see using it to build their faith and lead them to Christ
Further, you chose to consider John 5:39, 40, as follows (Moffatt translation) as a point of inquiry, as follows:
"You search the scriptures, imagining you possess eternal life in their pages--and they do testify to me--but you refuse to come to for life."
The Holy Spirit might enable you to understand the point here, with God's grace, to open up your mind, to get the sense of it. So the H.S. that you have is a helper to you. It leads as you seek. You seek, pray, study, ask. Then it, as a counselor, will guide you in all things (that is the will of the Father for you.)
Do you suppose II Timothy 3:5 would answer it a bit?
"for though they keep up a form of religion, they will have nothing to do with it as a force."
I see this as people going to church, but they have not come to Christ as a real force in their lives. They would not have an experience of the H.S. impelling them to love Christ and the Word of God with great joy.
Perhaps a lot of the blasters here are in that position.
This is just a bit of a response. Actually it would be nice if we could share time in conversation over Tea and biscuits.
Love to you, In Christ Brother Thomas
most of you have read about my mother having problems with the dubs yet still believing that they are the truth.
she surprised me today by going on kent and randy's websites and reading them -- she did this for most of the day.
now she is reading crisis of conscious.
Shakespere obtained his literary dynamics from the Bible. Too bad he adds spiritism with it.
from wol:.
"someone from gc sent this e-mail to me.
it is a very nice and encouraging experience.. hi everyone, .
Satan is never more dangerous than when he appears as an angel of light. Hope those men go to their church to find God and not a false prophet like the WT.
most of you have read about my mother having problems with the dubs yet still believing that they are the truth.
she surprised me today by going on kent and randy's websites and reading them -- she did this for most of the day.
now she is reading crisis of conscious.
Yes, Ray's book are marvelous for opening the eyes of those confused or abused. These books can save marriages, prevent suicides, give dignity to a new life.
They give others strength and resolve to find their freedom. Hopefully, the person being freed chooses a new path for righteousness, rather than using their road to freedom as rebellion against God and his Word. God is Good. The Bible is for us from God. God loves us.
is your anger with the jw religion due mainly to the fact that you have been df'd?
is it possible that persons who post here who are not disfellowshipped can feel as angry as those who are being shunned and who are therefore being effectively gagged?.
is the df'ing policy of the wtbts the main reason that ex-jw's seem to go all out to get other witnesses out of the org?
A good time to read Franz's books is when you're disfellowshipped.
Crisis of a Consceience
In Search of Christian Freedom
Anyone with a problem will have their eyes' opened up.